
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Stretchy Scarf

When my friend Traci sent me a link to this tutorial at Make It and Love It, she had no idea what great timing she had!

I've been staring at a big strip of cream knit fabric (leftover from double ruffle pants) and wondering how to best turn it into a scarf.  This was the perfect inspiration!  My trusty Janome was even set up for the shirring!  In about 10 minutes I had 2 super stylish and soft scarves.  

You just stitch your way around the scarf, using normal thread on the top for the front, and elastic thread in the bobbin for the back side.  It makes beautiful gathers, and is virtually fool proof.

They are fun for winter, but I really think they'll be perfect for dressing up simple t-shirts this summer.  Especially looped infniti style with a fun fabric flower pin!

Me with my super-expressive face.  
Nothing like taking your own picture in the mirror to make you feel like a big nerd!

This would be a great project for someone just experimenting with shirring (ahem....Kimberlee!)


  1. Ha! Yes, I think it's the PERFECT project!!!

  2. HA!! Love the "expressive" pic! And I love that I am in the blog!! Thanks for my scarf! I LOVE it! I wore it most of the morning after you left!!

  3. You're so pretty! :) Cute scarf, too. LYLAS. - Emy
