
Monday, January 16, 2012


At this time last year I was completely overwhelmed.  Like many a mom, I was trying to do too much, and honestly not doing any of it very well.  As I was driving in what seemed like an endless circle around town for work, I had the radio on.  The DJ's began asking one another about their "theme word" for the year.  Had they chosen it yet?  What would it be?

I used my "windshield time" that day to begin thinking about what my special word.  The same echo kept running through my head "Simplify".  And so, 2011 was the year of "Simplify" for me.

Here is what I learned.  Shedding my part time job, along with a few leadership positions, allowed me to focus on my true passions.

My children
Growing my business
Being with family
Caring for and fostering animals

Now, a year later, after I have "downsized" my involvements, I am faced with another decision.  What will 2012 be?  Where should I turn my focus?  I have an idea, but finding the perfect word to encompass all that I want to be and work on has been a challenge.

This afternoon, the light bulb went off....

Grow my relationship with God
Grow cheerful, intelligent, loving, compassionate children
Grow personally, give, be compassionate, kind, and thoughtful. 
Grow Lois Pearl Designs

Are you choosing a word for 2012?  If so, please share!


  1. Great word! My word for the year is going to be Focus. Now that I am no longer pregnant and am feeling better I feel like I want to have more focus in my life. I am hoping to focus on the following things: focus spiritual growth, having more focused time with my kids without distractions, focus on growing my career and potentially starting my own business, and focus on being more organized/productive at home.

  2. My word for the year is Organize. I am fairly organized, but there are many areas I could do better in. With more organization in my life, I feel this will free up the time I spend looking for things, forgetting upcoming events, paying bills at the last minute, and allow more quality time with my kids/family. Love your words Erin & Kelly!
