
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Getting Started

I am continually amazed by the number of people I meet who are learning to sew, or who are newly self-taught.  Some of my first memories are of watching my mom make dresses for me.  She would let me sit and play in her fabric scraps, pretending to "sew", while she made beautiful custom dresses for me.  Gradually, she taught me to cut and measure fabric.  The first project that I can remember completing was a pillow for my Grandma Lois (the Lois in LoisPearl).  In fact, when I was a teenager and she was sick in the hospital, that pillow went along to keep her company.

You see, I take for granted that I truly grew up around a sewing machine.  Terms like, "backstitch", "selvage", "bias", and "seam allowance" have just about always been a part of my vocabulary.  Therefore, I have the utmost respect for those ambitious folks who are just learning to sew.  I've been on the lookout for a beginners sewing reference that I could recommend to friends, and today I found it!  The best part....IT'S FREE!

The folks at Sew Daily have put together Sewing Basics, and ebook available for FREE download. 

They begin by walking you through the items you'll need to keep on hand in your sewing kit, provide a glossary of basic sewing terms, and have a beginners guide to reading patterns.  It's concise, easy to read, and thorough.

They also have some great free patterns!


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