
Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Not-So-Tiny Clutch

Have you heard of The Tiny Seamstress?  She's a little lady, with big talent!

I purchased this Tiny Clutch pattern a while ago and have been saving it for a special occassion.  Well, at least an occassion where my purse doesn't need to be filled with sippies, snack cups, diapers, and wipes!

We're headed south to warmer weather in a couple of weeks, and I thought that this would be perfect for an evening out.

I added the ruffle for a bit more femine flair.  Love it!

Happy Sewing,

P.S.  Sorry that I've been a bit obsessed with this blue, green, and aque Anna Maria Horner fabric lately.  I think that I'm subconsciously, well actually consciously, craving spring, and all things green!

1 comment:

  1. FABULOUS!!!!! She's got some great patterns!
    Where are you headed-sounds lovely!
