
Monday, February 21, 2011

Family Tree

My friend Kimberlee just started the most creative blog, Hanging On By A Thread.  She is such a funny, crafty mommy, with a love of great food.  My kind of girl!

She recently featured a tutorial from At Second Street for creating Mod Podged trees.  Kimberlee's trees turned out so cute, I knew that we had to try this!  Plus, I've been complaining about my empty stairwell wall for 2 years and it was time to fill it!

Here are our finished trees!

Love them!

The Bug loved helping out and getting Mod Podge all over mommy.  This little one decided to supervise by throwing all of our leaves on the ground, reciting "Uh Oh" about 200 times, and gorging on goldfish.  What a helper!

Happy Crafty!


  1. love the trees! you need to make me one and I'll buy it-oooohhh i can send you some of B's extra fabric and it can go in her room!? What do you think?! Love your not-so-anonymous friend :-)
