
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Vintage Button Cuff Bracelet {a tutoral}

I have a confession to make.  I dearly love to shop at art fairs and craft shows.  This is in general a good thing, except when your business involves exhibiting at these shows.  It can sometimes be tough to keep money in my pocket!

My neighbors at a recent craft show were selling these sweet little packages of vintage buttons.  Oh how I have such a love of vintage buttons!  At $2 per bundle these were a steal!

It didn't take long to decide how to put these little guys to use.  A sweet shopper came up to my booth and had on the most fantastic button cuff bracelet.  I promptly decided that I needed to make one of my own!

First, I started off with 1.5" wide black elastic.  I cut several pieces to fit comfortably around my wrist.

I looped them and stitched the ends together with a wide zigzag stitch.  This created the cuff.

I then dumped all of my lovely buttons into a bin and went to town with my needle and black thread.

Here is the finished product!

A one-of-a-kind vintage button cuff bracelet!  These would make such a sweet gift for teachers, sitters, friends and neighbors this holiday.  This little gem will be going to my mom!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Hoosier Artisan Boutique

I'm so sorry that it's been so long since my last post!  With three shows this month, I've been working away in the LP "sweat shop" in preparation.

Today we'll be at our Lois Pearl booth at the 3rd Annual Hoosier Artisan Boutique!  Over 50 Indiana artisans and craftspeople will be on hand at the Hamilton Country 4-H Fairgrounds.  It's a wonderful way to support local artists, and find some one of a kind Christmas gifts!

We hope to see you there, and promise to get back to more crafting and cooking later this week!  

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mami Pajaro

Sometimes in life you meet a person and instantly feel the warmth of their sweet soul.  That's Kathleen.  She is infinitely generous, has such a kind heart, and is one of the most talented crafty people I have ever met.  She has that brilliant gift of looking at something old in a new way.

She is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to refinishing furniture, and helped me with several wonderful pieces.  I promise to share pics of those soon.

What I'm most excited about is that Kathleen has decided to share her crafty gifts with the world!  She is taking part in her first crafty show this weekend and I am so thrilled for her!  I have my favorite pieces already picked out!

Look at the BEAUTIFUL sign she created for her business!

The sign is three dimensional, with a real fabric flower and real branches.

These vintage painted frames contain lovely quotes printed on linen.  It gives the piece a unique texture.  Wouldn't these be a perfect Christmas gift?

Kathleen transforms reclaimed wood pallets into art.  
Here are a few samples of her creations.

The tree would be perfect next to a front door or fireplace.

And my most favorite of all her creations, my new Lois Pearl sign!  

I have had a fascination with vintage buttons since I was small.  Their use on this sign is just perfect.  

If you are in the Indy area, stop by to check out Kathleen's creations at the following shows.

  HollyDaze Boutique,  Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds, November 12th, 10:00am-4:00pm

Hoosier Artisan Boutique,  Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds, November 26th, 10:00am-5:00pm
(Lois Pearl will be there too!)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What I Love Wednesday {Etsy Coupons}

Handmade items make the most lovely gifts.  

Just in time for holiday shopping, I discovered this website!

It's full of coupon codes that can be used for purchases made on etsy.  What a great way to save a few dollars, and find some new artisans too!

Happy shopping!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Evy Lois!

Today my little peanut turns 2!

She is sweet.

She is sassy.

She is a snuggler.

She loves her brother and her puppies.

She's crafty like her mama.

She's patient like her daddy.

She'll always be my baby girl!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

If you still have a pumpkin that hasn't been carved,  dig and and clean the seeds.  These are a fantastic spicy snack!

Step 1.  Remove the seeds from your pumpkin, and clean then under running water.
Step 2.  Pat the seeds dry with a paper towel, or allow them to air-dry a bit.
Step 3.  Coat the seeds in melted butter (2-3 T.)
Step 4.  Mix in 1 tsp. cayenne pepper, 2 tsp. chili powder, a dash of season salt, and some cracked black pepper.

Once the seeds are coated, spread them on a pan lined in parchment.  Bake at 400 for 20-30 minutes until the seeds are nicely roasted.

These spicy little treats are perfect for warming up on a cold fall day!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Handmade Halloween

I love Halloween.  In my book it marks the start of the Fall season, my personal favorite!

I lucked out this year, and the kiddos chose costumes that were super simple to put together.

Nate is in love with the Busy Town books, and insisted on being a "worker".

We already had the hat (left over from Hill's ADM days), shirt, and shoes.  The Bug helped me whip up a tool belt from leftover brown felt and he was all set!

The Peanut was a little fairy.  I love an excuse to make a tutu.

Along with the tutu, I made a hair bow, pin for her shirt, and a wand using pencils and ribbon.  We already had the fairy wings (from the Dollar Store), so her entire outfit only cost $5!

I hope that you had a Happy Halloween!